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Bennett, Joe

Spartanburg, S.C., artist. Original members of the Sparkletones included Wayne Arthur, Howard "Sparky" Childress, and Irving "Jimmy" Denton.

Artist image
Source: Bruce Grossberg

 Records 1-141 of 141

Date Label & Number Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
U.S. Singles & EPs
1957/July 15
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.)  9837  [78]Label shot
No rating Black Slacks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones AMP 78-998  
    Label shot
No rating Boppin' Rock Boogie — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones AMP 78-999  
1957/July 15
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.) 45-9837  [45]Label shot
Pertinent Black Slacks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-998 Bullet Bear Family CD 15972 (#1)
Bullet Fed CD 03 (#8)
Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#1)
Bullet Hip-O CD 40128 (#10)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#6)
Bullet Not Now Music CD 346 (#25)
Bullet Pan American CD 56008 (#10)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#4)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#1)
Bullet Proper CD 146 (#71)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#1)
    Label shot
Pertinent Boppin' Rock Boogie — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-999 Bullet Big H LP 79101 (#7)
Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#3)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#7)
Bullet Pan American CD 56014 (#23)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#5)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#2)
Bullet Proper CD 146 (#92)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#2)
1957/Nov. 11
Bb c&w rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.)  9867  [78]Label shot
No rating Rocket — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones AMP 78-3001  
    Label shot
No rating Penny Loafers And Bobby Socks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones AMP 78-2099  
1957/Nov. 11
Bb c&w rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.) 45-9867  [45]Label shot
Pertinent Rocket — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-3001 Bullet Big H LP 79103 (#8)
Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#5)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#4)
Bullet Pan American CD 56030 (#23)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#6)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#4)
Bullet Proper CD 146 (#93)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#4)
    Label shot
Pertinent Penny Loafers And Bobby Socks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-2099 Bullet Big H LP 79104 (#5)
Bullet Century CD [3] (#11)
Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#2)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#2)
Bullet MSIF CD 2002 (#2)
Bullet Pan American CD 56002 (#4)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#7)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#3)
Bullet Proper CD 146 (#72)
Bullet Rhino CD 70742 (#2)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#3)
1958/Feb. 10
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.)  9885  [78]No rating Cotton Pickin' Rocker — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
    No rating I Dig You, Baby — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
1958/Feb. 10
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.) 45-9885  [45]Label shot
Pertinent Cotton Pickin' Rocker — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-3098 Bullet ABC (England) LP 5247 (#5)
Bullet Bear Family CD 15972 (#16)
Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#4)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#1)
Bullet Pan American CD 56027 (#5)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#8)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#6)
Bullet Rocket 88 LP 5002 (#3)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#6)
    Label shot
Pertinent I Dig You, Baby — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-3101 Bullet Big H LP 79104 (#10)
Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#6)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#9)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#9)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#7)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#5)
1958/May 26
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.)  9929  [78]No rating Little Turtle — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
    No rating We've Had It — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
1958/May 26
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.) 45-9929  [45]Label shot
Pertinent Little Turtle — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-3253 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#10)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#10)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#9)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#11)
    Label shot
Pertinent We've Had It — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from 45)
AMP 45-3261 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#11)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#11)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#8)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#12)
1958/Sept. 29
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.)  9959  [78]No rating Late Again — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
    No rating Do The Stop — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
1958/Sept. 29
Bb pop rev.
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.) 45-9959  [45]Label shot
Pertinent Late Again — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from Paris CD 7281)
AMP 45-3262 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#13)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#13)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#11)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#7)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#14)
    Label shot
Pertinent Do The Stop — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from Paris CD 7281)
AMP 45-3260 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#12)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#12)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#12)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#13)
(Bb est.)
Paris (N.Y.) 45-530  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
Label shot
Pertinent Bayou Rock — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones / Arr. & cond. By Chuck Sagle
(from Chief CD 1156512 [2nd])
K9OW-2454 Bullet Chief CD 1156512 [2nd] (#15)
Bullet Collector CD 4519 (#13)
Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#7)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#1)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#18)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#17)
    Label shot
Borderline Beautiful One — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones / Arr. & cond. By Chuck Sagle
(from Paris CD 7281)
K9OW-2455 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#19)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#17)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#21)
1959/Aug. 24
Bb pop rev.
Paris (N.Y.) 45-537  [45]
(pressed by Columbia)
Label shot
Pertinent What The Heck — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones / Arr. & cond. By Chuck Sagle
(from Paris CD 7281)
ZTSP 60566 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#8)
Bullet Pan American CD 56032 (#7)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#2)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#15)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#18)
    Label shot
Pertinent Boys Do Cry — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones / Arr. And Cond. By Sid Feller
(from Paris CD 7281)
ZTSP 60565 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#14)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#14)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#20)
1960/Jan. 4
Bb pop rev.
Paris (N.Y.) 45-542  [45]
(pressed by Columbia)
Label shot
Borderline Are You From Dixie? — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones
(from Paris CD 7281)
ZTSP 62554 Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#9)
Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#3)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#16)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#19)
    Label shot
No rating Beautiful One — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones / Arr. & cond. By Chuck Sagle ZTSP 62555  
1960/Apr. 18
Bb pop rev.
Paris (N.Y.) 45-546  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
Label shot
No rating What The Heck — The Sparkletones / Arr. And Cond. By Billy Mure L9OW 2142  
    Label shot
No rating Softly — The Sparkletones / Arr. And Cond. By Billy Mure L9OW 2141 Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#22)
(Bb est.)
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.) 45-10659  [45]Label shot
No rating Run Rabbit Run — The Sparkletones AMP 45-4599 Bullet Paris LP 7281 (#14)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#15)
    Label shot
No rating Well Dressed Man — The Sparkletones AMP 45-4600 Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#16)
Canadian Singles & EPs
CHUM chart
Sparton (Canada)  464R [78]Label shot
No rating Black Slacks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 998  
    Label shot
No rating Boppin' Rock Boogie — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 999  
CHUM chart
Sparton (Canada) 4-464R [45]Label shot
No rating Black Slacks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 45998  
    Label shot
No rating Boppin' Rock Boogie — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 45999  
on label or cover
Sparton (Canada)  514R [78]Label shot
No rating Rocket — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 3001  
    Label shot
No rating Penny Loafers And Bobby Socks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 2099  
on label or cover
Sparton (Canada) 4-514R [45]Label shot
No rating Rocket — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 453001  
    Label shot
No rating Penny Loafers And Bobby Socks — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 452099  
Sparton (Canada) 4-539R [45]No rating Cotton Pickin' Rocker — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
    No rating I Dig You, Baby — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones    
on label or cover
Sparton (Canada) 4-584R [45]Label shot
No rating Little Turtle — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 453253  
    Label shot
No rating We've Had It — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones 453261  
(CHUM est.)
Reo (Canada)  8426X [45]No rating What The Heck — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones / Arranged And Conducted By Chuck Sagle S2  
    Label shot
No rating Boys Do Cry — Joe Bennett And The Sparkletones / Arranged And Conducted By Sid Feller S1  
(CHUM est.)
Reo (Canada)  8487X [45]No rating What The Heck — The Sparkletones / Arr. And Cond. By Billy Mure    
    No rating Softly — The Sparkletones / Arr. And Cond. By Billy Mure    
[live recording]     [ ]No rating Black Slacks [live vers.] — Joe Bennett   Bullet TVT CD 9446 (#14)
Unissued Recordings
ABC-Paramount (N.Y.)     [unissued]No rating Boys Do Cry [alt. vers.] — Joe Bennett   Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#23)
    Pertinent Late Again [alt. vers.] — Joe Bennett
(from Paris CD 7281)
  Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#18)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#10)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#19)
    Pertinent Let's Go Rock And Roll — Joe Bennett
(from Paris CD 7281)
  Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#16)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#5)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#5)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#9)
    Pertinent Maybe Baby — Joe Bennett
(from Paris CD 7281)
  Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#17)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#8)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#10)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#8)
    Pertinent Number One On My Love List — Joe Bennett
(from Paris CD 7281)
  Bullet Globe CD 5427 (#15)
Bullet MCA (U.S.) LP 1553 (#3)
Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#13)
Bullet Sparkletone CD 99012 (#10)
[need info]     [ ]Pertinent Black Slacks [alt. vers.] — Joe Bennett
(from Paris CD 7281)
  Bullet Paris CD 7281 (#20)

 Records 1-141 of 141

Acknowledgments:  Bear Family catalog, CMF Library, Scott Cheesebrew, Marc Coulavin, Bill Davis, Udo Frank, Peter Grendysa, Tom Krajina, Gerd Miller, John Neal, Michel Proost, Mike Smyth, Uncle Gil, Joe Wajgel, Bjorn Witlox

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/11/2025

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