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Members included Guy Barber, Dean Stevens, Bill Holden, and Charlie Broome.


 Records 1-22 of 22

Date Label & Number Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
U.S. Singles & EPs
1957/Dec. 16
Bb pop rev.
Fox (Ga.)  1  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
Label shot
Pertinent Fire Engine Baby — Jiv-A-Tones / Vocal By Bill Holden
(from White Label LP 8934)
H8OW-2480 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55079 (#30)
Bullet White Label LP 8934 (#17)
    Label shot
Pertinent Flirty Gertie — Jiv-A-Tones / Vocal By Dean Stevens
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55009)
H8OW-2479 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55009 (#19)
Bullet Fed CD 02 (#17)
Bullet White Label LP 8934 (#16)
1958/Jan. 18
CB pop rev.
Felsted (N.Y.) 45-8506  [45]Label shot
Pertinent Fire Engine Baby — Jiv-A-Tones / Vocal By Bill Holden
(from Big H LP 79102)
FD 125 Bullet Big H LP 79102 (#5)
Bullet Felsted CD 85001 (#16)
Bullet Flame LP 016 (#4)
Bullet Vladimir Twist LP 6912 (#16)
    Label shot
Pertinent Flirty Gertie — Jiv-A-Tones / Vocal By Dean Stevens
(from 45)
FD 124 Bullet Ace CD 496 (#11)
Bullet Esoldun LP 2011 (#4)
Bullet Fed EP 13 (#3)
Bullet Felsted CD 85001 (#15)
Bullet Pan American CD 56003 (#13)
Bullet Past LP 6/376 (#11)
Bullet Rocket 88 LP 5001 (#5)
Bullet Teenage Heaven LP 583 (#11)
(Bb est.)
Fraternity (Ohio) F-823  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
Label shot
No rating The Wild Bird — The Jive-A-Tones – (instr.)
(from Emusic/Ace MP3 11259310)
JO8W-0458 Bullet Ace CD 822 (#10)
Bullet Eagle LP 321 (#7)
Bullet Not Now Music CD 456 (#39)
    Label shot
No rating And Then It Happened — Bobby Wilson With The Jive-A-Tones
(from unknown source)
JO8W-0457 Bullet Eagle LP 321 (#14)
Bullet Felsted CD 85001 (#33)

 Records 1-22 of 22

Acknowledgments:  Scott Cheesebrew, Bill Davis, Udo Frank, Barry John, Gerd Miller, Michel Proost, RecordMaster, Mike Smyth

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/15/2025

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