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Reed, Earl

 Records 1-15 of 15

Date Label & Number Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
U.S. Singles & EPs
1958/Nov. 17
Bb pop rev.
Cherokee (Ohio) 45-778  [45]
(pressed by King)
Label shot
Pertinent Drink Wine — Earl Reed And His Rhythm Rockers / Vocal By Johnny Scoggins
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55018)
CHER-40-162 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55018 (#8)
Bullet Wendi LP 000013 (#4)
    Label shot
Pertinent Mama — Earl Reed And His Rhythm Rockers / Vocal By Johnny Scoggins
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55009)
CHER-40-163 Bullet B-Sharp CD 6/27 (#23)
Bullet B-Sharp LP 666- 5 (#9)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55009 (#16)
Bullet Club LP 022 (#18)
Bullet Wendi LP 000013 (#5)
1958/Nov. 17
Bb pop rev.
Cherokee (Ohio) 45-779  [45]  Bootlegs exist
(pressed by King)
Label shot
Pertinent Flat Foot Sam — Earl Reed And His Rhythm Rockers / Vocal By Johnny Scoggins
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55088)
CHER-40-164 Bullet Battle CD 300 (#9)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55088 (#14)
Bullet Collector CD 4444 (#11)
Bullet Eagle LP 317 (#9)
Bullet Lucky CD 805 (#5)
Bullet Wendi LP 000013 (#3)
Bullet White Label LP 8819 (#6)
    Label shot
Non-pertinent Playing With My Heart — Earl Reed And His Rhythm Rockers / Vocal By Johnny Scoggins CHER-40-165  

 Records 1-15 of 15

Acknowledgments:  Mike Smyth, Perica Sucevic

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 11/06/2024

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