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Ron-Mar (Ill.)

Belleville, Ill.  [source: an original label)

 Records 1-27 of 27

Number Date Artist Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
Ron-Mar (Ill.) RM-1000  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
mx series
Patterson, SonnyLabel shot
Pertinent ( She Was A) Big Wheel — Sonny Patterson With The Rhythm Rockers
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55093)
CP-1393 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55093 (#15)
Bullet Collector CD 4517 (#3)
Bullet Mustang CD 8 (#3)
Bullet Presto CD 4 (#34)
     Label shot
Pertinent Mr. Ducktail — "Uncle" Buck Lite With The Rhythm Rockers
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55155)
CP-1394 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55155 (#17)
Bullet Club LP 008 (#17)
Bullet Collector CD 4517 (#7)
Bullet Flesh Den CD 6907 (#14)
Bullet GVC CD 2003 (#40)
Bullet Legend LP 1001 (#4)
Bullet Mustang CD 10 (#35)
Bullet One Day Music CD 010 (#26)
Bullet Pompadour 10 001 (#4)
Bullet Presto CD 4 (#50)
Bullet Unlimited Prod. LP 1006 (#14)
Ron-Mar (Ill.) RM-1001  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
(mx est.)
Rivers, Jack [2]Label shot
Pertinent Call On Me — Jack Rivers And His Rock-A-Kats
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55046)
B [CP-1395] Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55046 (#5)
     Label shot
No rating I'm So Lonely — Jack Rivers And His Rock-A-Kats
(from 45)
A [CP-1396] Bullet Lesley CD 5 (#7)
Ron-Mar (Ill.) RM-1002  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
mx series
Gunn, StanLabel shot
No rating Baby Sitter Boogie — Stan Gunn And The Country Hepcats
(from Jim Jam LP 1010)
CP-1583 Bullet B-Sharp CD 6/28 (#1)
Bullet B-Sharp LP 666- 7 (#1)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55149 (#13)
Bullet Flesh Den CD 6909 (#16)
Bullet Jim Jam LP 1010 (#1)
Bullet Pan!c CD 101 (#4)
     Label shot
No rating Crying Inside — Stan Gunn And The Country Hepcats
(from 45)
Ron-Mar (Ill.)  1004  [45]1959/Apr. 20
Bb pop rev.
Patey BrothersLabel shot
Pertinent Jeanie — Patey Bros. (Eddie And Lee)
(from 45)
B Bullet White Label LP 8846 (#14)
     Label shot
Pertinent Hey Doll Baby — Patey Bros. (Eddie And Lee)
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55157)
A Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55157 (#27)
Bullet White Label LP 8846 (#13)

 Records 1-27 of 27

Acknowledgments:  Malcolm Chapman, Scott Cheesebrew, Udo Frank, Bernd Kratochwil, Neil Scott, Mike Smyth

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 09/14/2024

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