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Bart (Mich.)

Detroit, Mich.  [source: an original label)

 Records 1-26 of 26

Number Date Artist Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
Bart (Mich.) 7-G-21  [45]1957/July 15
Bb pop rev.
Four ScoresLabel shot
No rating Rock-A-Little Lucy — Four Scores H8OW-5974 Bullet USA LP 57592 (#10)
     Label shot
No rating No Other Heart — Four Scores H8OW-5975  
Bart (Mich.) 7-G-22/3 [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Armstrong, DickLabel shot
Pertinent I Wanta Go Steady With You — Dick Armstrong / Music By Rollins And Orchestra
(from White Label LP 8842)
7-G-22 HO8W-1408 Bullet Lucky CD 807 (#19)
Bullet Rock Therapy CD 100 (#4)
Bullet White Label LP 8842 (#7)
     Label shot
Borderline Teen Age Heart — Dick Armstrong / Music By Rollins And Orchestra
(from Dee Jay Jamboree CD 55118)
7-G-23 HO8W-1409 Bullet Collector CD 4499 (#22)
Bullet Dee Jay Jamboree CD 55118 (#27)
Bart (Mich.) 7 G25/6 [45]  Bootlegs exist
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Yarborough, LafayetteLabel shot
Pertinent Cool Cool Baby — Lafayette Yarborough
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55006)
J8OW-9427 Bullet Big Mike's CD   (#25)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55006 (#10)
Bullet Chief CD 1156507 (#11)
Bullet Cleopatra CD 1163 (#23)
Bullet EFA CD 88962-2 (#3)
Bullet Eagle CD 90201 (#9)
Bullet Lost Gold CD 5798 (#3)
Bullet Lucky CD 502 (#21)
Bullet Lucky CD 812 (#9)
Bullet Pontomac LP 37650 (#11)
Bullet Rock Therapy CD 100 (#20)
Bullet Smith & Co. CD 1197 (#30)
Bullet Spin CD 1000 (#3)
Bullet White Label LP 8824 (#1)
Bullet Yeaah! CD 12 (#3)
     Label shot
Pertinent Livin' Doll — Lafayette Yarborough
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55006)
J8OW-9428 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55006 (#19)
Bullet Chief CD 1156506 (#12)
Bullet Eagle CD 90201 (#16)
Bullet White Label LP 8824 (#2)

 Records 1-26 of 26

Acknowledgments:  Bernd Kratochwil, Tom Lincoln, Gerd Miller, Dean Craige Morris, Mike Smyth, Peter van Wilsem

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/06/2025

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