Apollo (N.Y.) New York, N.Y. [source: an original label) Founded ca. 1942 by Ike and Bess Berman.
Title & Credits
Apollo (N.Y.) 525 [78] 1958/May 5 Bb pop rev.Lee, Jimmy [3] It Must Be Love — Jimmy Lee / Background Vocal: The Markees
Intermission — Jimmy Lee / Background Vocal: The Markees
Apollo (N.Y.) 525-45 [45] 1958/May 5 Bb pop rev.Lee, Jimmy [3] It Must Be Love — Jimmy Lee / Background Vocal: The MarkeesYour browser does not support embedded audio (from Classics CD 723)
AP 3659
Classics CD 723 (#3)
Intermission — Jimmy Lee / Background Vocal: The Markees
AP 3660
Apollo (N.Y.) 526 [78] 1958/May 5 Bb pop rev.Kirby, Larry Sweet Shop — Larry Kirby / Background Vocal: The Markees
Lucianne — Larry Kirby / Background Vocal: The Markees
Apollo (N.Y.) 526-45 [45] 1958/May 5 Bb pop rev.Kirby, Larry Sweet Shop — Larry Kirby / Background Vocal: The MarkeesYour browser does not support embedded audio (from White Label LP 8945)
AP 3658
Club LP 010 (#5) Kool Kat Music CD 102 (#3) White Label LP 8945 (#14) White Label LP 8962 (#17)
Lucianne — Larry Kirby / Background Vocal: The MarkeesYour browser does not support embedded audio (from 45)
AP 3657
Apollo (N.Y.) 530 [78] 1959/Jan. 5 Bb pop rev.Albert, Mel Never Let Me Go — Mel Albert
Sugar Plum — Mel Albert
Apollo (N.Y.) 530-45 [45] 1959/Jan. 5 Bb pop rev.Albert, Mel Never Let Me Go — Mel Albert
AP 3806
Juke Box Saturday Night LP 1005 (#4)
Sugar Plum — Mel Albert
AP 3807
Juke Box Saturday Night LP 1005 (#8)
Apollo (N.Y.) 533 [78] 1959/Mar. 30 Bb pop rev.Smith, Smiley Voo Doo Woman — Smiley Smith
All Over Now — Smiley Smith
Apollo (N.Y.) 533-45 [45] 1959/Mar. 30 Bb pop rev.Smith, Smiley Voo Doo Woman — Smiley SmithYour browser does not support embedded audio (from Buffalo Bop CD 55014)
AP 3814
Bop CD 003 (#22) Buffalo Bop CD 55014 (#22) Collector CD 4532 (#29) Flame CD 004 (#8) Flame LP 005 (#17) Stomper Time CD 12 (#21)
All Over Now — Smiley Smith
AP 3813
Apollo (N.Y.) 535 [78] 1959/May 18 Bb pop rev.Anderson, Andy You Shake Me Up — Andy Anderson
The Way She Smiled — Andy Anderson
Apollo (N.Y.) 535-45 [45] 1959/May 18 Bb pop rev.Anderson, Andy You Shake Me Up — Andy AndersonYour browser does not support embedded audio (from Stompertime CD 3)
AP 3829
Ace (U.S.) LP 2026 (#8) Ace (U.S.) CD 2026 (#8) Bison Bop LP 2032 (#1) Buffalo Bop LP 2032 (#1) Buffalo Bop CD 55161 (#10) Buffalo Bop CD 55193 (#10) Club WWR LP 001 (#7) Go-Cat-Go CD 20691 (#18) Knockville LP 4400 (#14) P-Vine CD 1892 (#8) Rock & Country LP 1019 (#4) Stomper Time CD 3 (#14) Sunjay CD 592 (#1) Union Pacific LP 006 (#3)
The Way She Smiled — Andy AndersonYour browser does not support embedded audio (from 45)
AP 3830
Buffalo Bop CD 55161 (#11) Sunjay CD 592 (#5) Union Pacific LP 006 (#4)
Apollo (N.Y.) 537 [78] 1959/Aug. 3 Bb pop rev.Albert, Mel Hinky Dinky — Mel Albert
Before You Change Your Mind — Mel Albert
Apollo (N.Y.) 537-45 [45] 1959/Aug. 3 Bb pop rev.Albert, Mel Hinky Dinky — Mel Albert
AP 3849
Before You Change Your Mind — Mel AlbertYour browser does not support embedded audio (from Buffalo Bop CD 55199)
AP 3851
Buffalo Bop CD 55199 (#17)
Apollo (N.Y.) 761 [45] 1962/July 28 Bb pop rev.Hickey, Ersel Upside Down Love — Ersel Hickey
Hydra CD 27119 (#8)
The Millionaire — Ersel Hickey
Hydra CD 27119 (#9)
Acknowledgments: Stephane Chatain, Bill Davis, Udo Frank, Steve Kelemen, Stephan Koenig, Tom Krajina, Gerd Miller, R&B Indies, Wayne Russell, Mike Smyth, Don Stilton, www.78discography.com
Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon
This page generated on 02/08/2025