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Esoldun RR2007 (LP) (France, 1986)

Hop, Skip, And Jump

Cover image
Source: Uncle Gil's Rockin' Archives

Artist Title Original Label & Number Date & Source
1. Roberts, Bobby Pertinent Hop Skip And Jump
Label shot
Hut (Tenn.)  881  1958/Mar. 31
Bb pop rev.
2. Farr, Little Joey Pertinent Rock & Roll Santa
Label shot
Band Box (Colo.)  286  1961/Dec. 4
Bb xmas rev.
3. Russell, Sonny Pertinent 50 Megatons
Label shot
Band Box (Colo.) #332 
(pressed by RCA)
(Bb est.)
4. Chaplain, Paul Pertinent Nicotine
Label shot
Harper (N.Y.)  100 
(pressed by Capitol)
1960/Aug. 8
Bb pop rev.
5. Chaplain, Paul Pertinent Shortnin' Bread
Label shot
Harper (N.Y.)  100 
(pressed by Capitol)
1960/Aug. 8
Bb pop rev.
6. Rumblers Non-pertinent I Don't Need You No More
Not listed in RCS
7. Myers, Jim Pertinent Pretty Baby Rock
Label shot
Fortune (Mich.)  211  1960/June 27
Bb pop rev.
8. Therrien, Joe, Jr. Pertinent I Ain't Gonna Be Around
Label shot
JAT (Mass.) JR-101   
9. Cavalier, Johnny Borderline Rock'n [!!] Chair Roll
Label shot
Hi-Class (Calif.)  105  Cover shot 1959/Jan. 26
Bb pop rev.
10. Cavalier, Johnny Borderline Knock Off The Rock
Label shot
Hi-Class (Calif.)  105  Cover shot 1959/Jan. 26
Bb pop rev.
11. Day, Dave Diddle Borderline Motorcycle Mike
Label shot
Fee Bee (Pa.) FB-219 
(pressed by Rite)
mx series
12. Johnson, Glenn Pertinent Run Here Honey
Label shot
Oak (N.C.) H8OW-7673/4
(pressed by RCA)
BMI clear.
13. Bassett, Tony Non-pertinent Rockin' Little Mama Not listed in RCS
14. Paige, Joey Non-pertinent Roll Over Beethoven
Label shot
Vee Jay (Ill.) VJ704  1965/Sept.
(Bb est.)

Acknowledgments:  Bear Family catalog, Marc Coulavin, Derek Hamilton, Peter Staehli, Uncle Gil

Compilation & presentation © 2019, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 01/18/2025

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