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Strand 6.24885 AS (LP) (Germany, 1982)

The Bobby Fuller Memorial Album / Bobby Fuller Four

Artist Title Original Label & Number Date & Source
1. Fuller, Bobby Non-pertinent Let Her Dance
Label shot
Mustang (Calif.)  3006  1965
(Bb est.)
2. Fuller, Bobby Borderline Julie Mustang (Calif.) M-901  Cover shot
I Fought The Law [mono]
(BSN est.)
3. Fuller, Bobby No rating A New Shade Of Blue Mustang (Calif.) M-901  Cover shot
I Fought The Law [mono]
(BSN est.)
4. Fuller, Bobby No rating Only When I Dream Mustang (Calif.) M-901  Cover shot
I Fought The Law [mono]
(BSN est.)
5. Fuller, Bobby No rating You Kiss Me
Label shot
Mustang (Calif.)  3011  1965
6. Fuller, Bobby Non-pertinent Little Annie Lou
Label shot
Mustang (Calif.)  3014  1965
mx date code
7. Fuller, Bobby Pertinent I Fought The Law
Label shot
Mustang (Calif.)  3014  1965
mx date code
8. Fuller, Bobby Non-pertinent Another Sad And Lonely Night
Label shot
Mustang (Calif.)  3006  1965
(Bb est.)
9. Fuller, Bobby Pertinent Saturday Night
Label shot
Todd (N.Y.) 45-1090  1963/Dec.
(Bb est.)
10. Fuller, Bobby Borderline Take My Word Mustang (Calif.)  3004  1965/Mar. 13
Bb pop rev.
11. Fuller, Bobby Pertinent Fool Of Love
Label shot
Exeter (Texas) EXT126 
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
12. Fuller, Bobby No rating Never To Be Forgotten
Label shot
Mustang (Calif.)  3011  1965

Acknowledgments:  Gilles Vignal

Compilation & presentation © 2019, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 11/08/2024

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