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Busby, Buzz

Real name Bernarr Graham Busbice. Born 1933 in Eros, La. A regular on the Hayloft Hoedown (WRC-TV, Washington, D.C.) in 1954-1955. A regular on the Louisiana Hayride (KWKH, Shreveport, La.) in 1955-1956.


 Records 1-16 of 16

Date Label & Number Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
U.S. Singles & EPs
RCA mx code
Speaks (loc?) S-101  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
Label shot
Pertinent Rock And Roll Fever — Graham B.
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55006)
H8-OW-3226 Bullet Buffalo Bop LP 2058 (#1)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55006 (#11)
Bullet Flesh Den CD 6901 (#3)
Bullet Folkline CD 164 (#2)
Bullet Lost Gold CD 5698 (#27)
Bullet Lucky CD 813 (#15)
Bullet One Day Music CD 010 (#72)
Bullet Peerless LP 004 (#1)
Bullet Smith & Co. CD 1145 (#32)
Bullet Yeaah! CD 22 (#27)
    Label shot
Non-pertinent I'll Always Wonder Why — Graham B. H8-OW-3227  
(Bb est.)
Starday (Tenn.) 45-355  [45]Label shot
No rating Talking Banjo — Buzz Busby And The Bayou Boys – (instr.) 2653 Bullet Rockafeller LP 7002 (#10)
    Label shot
No rating Lonesome Road — Buzz Busby And The Bayou Boys
(from 45)
Unissued Recordings
Fernwood (Va.)     [unissued]Pertinent Rock And Roll Fever [alt. vers.] — Buzz Busby
(from Stompertime CD 7)
  Bullet Redita [2nd series] LP 125 (#1)
Bullet Stomper Time CD 7 (#26)
Bullet Stomper Time CD 8 (#12)

 Records 1-16 of 16

Acknowledgments:  Scott Cheesebrew, Udo Frank, Michel Proost, Mike Smyth

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 10/09/2024

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