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Nelson, Tommy

Born 1935 in Shawnee, Okla. Disk jockey on KGFF.

 Records 1-17 of 17

Date Label & Number Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
U.S. Singles & EPs
1960/Mar. 14
Bb pop rev.
Dixie (regional) 45-814  [45]  Bootlegs exist
(Starday PD series)
Label shot
Pertinent Hobo Bop — Tommy Nelson And Band
(from Ace CD 704)
B Bullet Ace CD 704 (#19)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55012 (#1)
Bullet Collector CD 4410 (#8)
Bullet Fantastic Voyage CD 145 (#97)
Bullet Hobo Bop LP 1181 (#1)
Bullet Million LP 2 (#1)
Bullet One Day Music CD 010 (#42)
Bullet Presto CD 4 (#11)
    Label shot
Pertinent Honey Moon Blues — Tommy Nelson And Band
(from Collector CD 4410)
A Bullet Collector CD 4410 (#9)
Bullet Fantastic Voyage CD 145 (#93)
Bullet Million LP 2 (#2)
(SPD est.)
Dixie (regional) 45-919  [45]
(Starday PD series)
Label shot
Pertinent Dangling On A String — Tommy Nelson
(from Ace CD 708)
A Bullet Ace CD 708 (#14)
Bullet Dixie CD 2222 (#4)
Bullet Million LP 7 (#13)
    Label shot
Pertinent Like Let's Get Out — Tommy Nelson
(from Dee Jay Jamboree CD 55116)
B Bullet Dee Jay Jamboree CD 55116 (#23)
Bullet Dixie CD 4444 (#29)
Bullet Million LP 7 (#12)

 Records 1-17 of 17

Acknowledgments:  Tom Lincoln, Mike Smyth, Stefan Wriedt

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/17/2025

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