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Ruby (Ohio)

Hamilton, Ohio  [source: an original label)

Owned by Larry Short.
Feature article and discography in issue 16 (1977) of New Kommotion.

 Records 1-83 of 83

Number Date Artist Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
Ruby (Ohio) RU-67-100  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Johnson, StanLabel shot
Pertinent Big Black Train — Stan Johnson, Vocal / The Sonics
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55168)
U4KM-3252 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55168 (#1)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#28)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent I Won't Let Them Know — Stan Johnson, Vocal / The Sonics U4KM-3251  
Ruby (Ohio) RU-100  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Scott, WaltLabel shot
Non-pertinent I'm Walking Out — Walter Scott
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55200)
G8OW-2673 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55200 (#24)
     Label shot
No rating A Little Love Will Go A Long Long Way — Walter Scott G8OW-2674  
Ruby (Ohio) RU:120  [45]  Bootlegs exist
(pressed by RCA)
1957/Feb. 23
Bb c&w rev.
Blades, EmeryLabel shot
Pertinent The Rock And Roll Carpenter — Emery Blades / Rural Rhythm Boys
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55171)
G8OW-4183 Bullet Buffalo Bop LP 2062 (#11)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55171 (#17)
Bullet Chief CD 1156502 (#25)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#15)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#3)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent I'm Leaving You The Key To My Heart — Emery Blades / Rural Rhythm Boys G8OW-4184 Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#4)
Ruby (Ohio) RU-150  [45]1956
(mx est.)
Blevens, GeneNo rating Forever My Darling — Gene Blevens    
     No rating The Dreams I Dream Each Night — Gene Blevens    
Ruby (Ohio) RU-230  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Blades, EmeryLabel shot
Pertinent Look What You Done To Me — Emery Blades - Vocal / Rainbow Rhythmaires
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55171)
G8OW-7228 Bullet Buffalo Bop LP 2062 (#6)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55171 (#10)
Bullet Chief CD 1156501 (#26)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#16)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#8)
     Label shot
No rating Your Broken Hearted List — Emery Blades - Vocal / Rainbow Rhythmaires G8OW-7227 Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#9)
Ruby (Ohio) RU:260  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Center, SandyLabel shot
No rating Come On Baby It's Christmas — Sandy Center - Vocal / Rainbow Rhythmaires
(from 45)
GO8W-0110 Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#10)
     No rating For Me No Christmas — Sandy Center - Vocal / Rainbow Rhythmaires GO8W-0111  
Ruby (Ohio) RU-280  [45]  Bootlegs exist
(pressed by RCA)
1957/July 29
Bb c&w rev.
Johnson, StanLabel shot
Pertinent Six White Horses — Stan Johnson, Vocal / The Blue Chips
(from Spin CD 1001)
H8OW-6764 Bullet Fed CD 02 (#20)
Bullet Fed EP 13 (#2)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#11)
Bullet Lost Gold CD 5898 (#3)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#12)
Bullet Spin CD 1001 (#3)
Bullet Yeaah! CD 13 (#3)
     Label shot
Pertinent Big Black Train — Stan Johnson, Vocal / The Blue Chips
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55012)
H8OW-6763 Bullet Bop CD 001 (#20)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55012 (#17)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#10)
Bullet Hobo Bop LP 1181 (#6)
Bullet Not Now Music CD 066 (#63)
Bullet Not Now Music CD 122 (#49)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#13)
Ruby (Ohio) RU290  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
1957/Feb. 9
Bb c&w rev.
Pennington, RayLabel shot
No rating Fancy Free — Ray Pennington - Vocal / Ray's Western Rhythm Boys
(from 45)
GO8W-0363 Bullet Cactus CD 5007 (#7)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#14)
     Label shot
No rating You'll Want Me Back But I Won't Care — Ray Pennington - Vocal / Ray's Western Rhythm Boys GO8W-0364 Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#15)
Ruby (Ohio) RU-310  [45]1957
(mx est.)
Young, NelsonNo rating Hillbilly Rock And Roll — Nelson Young A  
     No rating A Star From Heaven — Nelson Young B  
Ruby (Ohio) RU-320  [45]  Bootlegs exist
(pressed by RCA)
1957/Apr. 29
Bb c&w rev.
Webb, HoytLabel shot
Pertinent Baby Won't You Slow It Down — Hoyt Webb / Rainbow Rhythmaires
(from 4 Star CD 752)
H8OW-0165 Bullet 4 Star CD 752 (#2)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#17)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#16)
Bullet Wendi LP 000003 (#9)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent Florist Send These Flowers — Hoyt Webb / Rainbow Rhythmaires H8OW-0166  
Ruby (Ohio) RU-330  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Penny, DaywardLabel shot
No rating Bee Bop Song — Dayward Penny / Lazy Acre Cowboy's
(from 45)
     Label shot
No rating Have I Forgotten — Dayward Penny / Lazy Acre Cowboy's H8OW-7131  
Ruby (Ohio) RU-350  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Parker, WinnieLabel shot
No rating Down Boy Boogie — Winnie Parker, Vocal / Rhythm Maniacs
(from 45)
H8OW-6744 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55189 (#12)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#17)
     Label shot
No rating My Dreams Will Come True — Winnie Parker, Vocal / Rhythm Maniacs H8OW-6745  
Ruby (Ohio) RU390  [45]  Bootlegs exist
(pressed by RCA)
1957/May 6
Bb c&w rev.
Martin, BobbyLabel shot
Pertinent Give Your Heart To Me — Bobby Martin - Vocal / Tune Twisters
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55178)
H8OW-0612 Bullet Buffalo Bop LP 2057 (#4)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55178 (#16)
Bullet Chief CD 1156511 [1st] (#27)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#6)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#18)
     Label shot
Pertinent Sleepy Time Blues — Bobby Martin - Vocal / Tune Twisters
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55178)
H8OW-0613 Bullet Buffalo Bop LP 2057 (#5)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55178 (#30)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#7)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#19)
Ruby (Ohio) RU-400  [45]1957
(mx est.)
Martin, BobbyPertinent I Ain't Gonna Rock — Bobby Martin And The Tune Twisters
(from Hamilton LP 5877)
B Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#8)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#20)
     Pertinent There Ain't No Nothin' Tonight — Bobby Martin And The Tune Twisters
(from Hamilton LP 5877)
A Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#9)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#21)
Ruby (Ohio) RU530  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
(mx est.)
Johnson, StanLabel shot
Pertinent Shimmy And Shake — Stan Johnson, Vocal / The Blue Chips
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55088)
HO8W-0579 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55088 (#25)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#12)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#22)
     Label shot
Pertinent Lonesome Man — Stan Johnson, Vocal / Drifting Rangers
(from Hamilton LP 5877)
HO8W-0580 Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#13)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#23)
Ruby (Ohio) RU-540  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
Van Winkle, ArnoldLabel shot
Borderline An Old Rusty Dime — Arnold Van Winkle / Rainbow Rhythmaires
(from Hamilton LP 5877)
H8OW-0581 Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#18)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#24)
     Label shot
No rating How Many Heartaches Make A Tear — Arnold Van Winkle / Rainbow Rhythmaires
(from 45)
Ruby (Ohio) RU-550  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
1958/June 23
Bb pop rev.
Johnson, StanLabel shot
Pertinent Baby, Baby Doll — Stan Johnson, Vocal / Blue Chips
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55088)
J9OW-0609 Bullet B-Sharp CD 6/29 (#14)
Bullet B-Sharp LP 666-10 (#14)
Bullet Bop CD 003 (#27)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55088 (#30)
Bullet Chief CD 1156502 (#19)
Bullet Hamilton LP 5877 (#14)
Bullet Lucky CD 812 (#15)
Bullet Presto CD 4 (#48)
Bullet Ruby CD [no #] (#25)
     Label shot
Borderline Lora Ann — Stan Johnson, Vocal / Blue Chips J9OW-0610  
Ruby (Ohio) RU-610  [45]
(pressed by RCA)
1961/Jan. 6
Bb c&w rev.
Rodgers, Hank & RamonaLabel shot
No rating Hop, Skip And Jump — Hank And Ramona Rodgers / Twin Guitars Played By Hank & Ramona Rodgers
(from 45)
     Label shot
No rating Wild Horse — Hank Rogers
(from 45)

 Records 1-83 of 83

Acknowledgments:  Jurgen Blazejewski, CMF Library, Stephane Chatain, Scott Cheesebrew, Marc Coulavin, Udo Frank, Bruce Grossberg, Bernd Hermoneit, Steve Holloway, Tom Krajina, Kurt Krauter, Tom Lincoln, Gerd Miller, Michel Proost, Mike Smyth, Perica Sucevic, Steve Weiner,Bjorn Witlox, eBay

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/11/2025

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