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Flame (Ohio 2)

Cincinnati, Ohio  [source: an original label)

A subsidiary of ESV.

 Records 1-12 of 12

Number Date Artist Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
Flame (Ohio 2)  1019  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
Raging StormsLabel shot
Non-pertinent High Octane — The Raging Storms – (instr.)
(from White Label LP 8884)
CP-2287 Bullet Canadian CD 2308 (#16)
Bullet Clock/Canadian CD 2308 (#16)
Bullet Club LP 010 (#10)
Bullet White Label LP 8884 (#2)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent Madison Blues — The Raging Storms – (instr.)
(from White Label LP 8884)
CP-2288 Bullet Canadian CD 2308 (#21)
Bullet Clock/Canadian CD 2308 (#21)
Bullet White Label LP 8884 (#1)
Flame (Ohio 2)  1020  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
mx series
Howard, ChuckLabel shot
Pertinent Gossip — Chuck Howard
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55090)
CP-2524 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55090 (#17)
Bullet Enviken CD 102 (#16)
Bullet Lenox LP 104 (#2)
Bullet Luxel CD 7105 (#9)
     Label shot
Pertinent Heartbreak Station — Chuck Howard
(from 45)

 Records 1-12 of 12

Acknowledgments:  Scott Cheesebrew, Tom Fallon, Udo Frank, Gerd Miller, Dean Craige Morris, Mike Smyth, Jos Wouters

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/12/2025

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