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Lucky (Ohio)

Cincinnati, Ohio  [source: an original label)

Feature article in issue 4 (1983) of Roll Street Journal.

 Records 1-53 of 53

Number Date Artist Image Title & Credits Matrix Comps
Lucky (Ohio)  0001  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1958/Aug. 11
Bb c&w rev.
Browning, ZekieLabel shot
Pertinent I'll Pay You Back — Bill Zekie Browning
(from 45)
CP-1582 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55200 (#14)
Bullet Chief CD 1156510 (#13)
Bullet Club LP 015 (#20)
Bullet Flesh Den CD 6905 (#21)
Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#9)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent Breaking Hearts — Bill Zekie Browning With Don Boone CP-1581 Bullet Chief CD 1156501 (#29)
Lucky (Ohio)  0002  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1958/Aug. 18
Bb c&w rev.
Young, NelsonLabel shot
Pertinent Rock Old Sputnick — Nelson Young
(from 45)
CP-1585 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55052 (#13)
Bullet Collector CD 4417 (#18)
Bullet Flame LP 001 (#14)
Bullet Flame CD 001 (#15)
Bullet Lee LP 409 (#14)
Bullet Orb LP 1001 (#7)
Bullet Rundell LP 006 (#14)
Bullet Viper CD 014 (#17)
Bullet Vladimir Twist LP 6910 (#17)
Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#8)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent I'm Falling In Love — Nelson Young CP-1586  
Lucky (Ohio)  0003  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1958/Nov. 17
Bb c&w rev.
Grove, BobbyLabel shot
Non-pertinent Jealous Dreams — Bobby Grove
(from White Label LP 8857)
CP-1621 Bullet Club LP 012 (#20)
Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#14)
     Label shot
No rating Be Still, My Heart — Bobby Grove CP-1622  
Lucky (Ohio)  0005  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1959/July 20
Bb c&w rev.
Browning, ZekieLabel shot
Non-pertinent Bad Case Of The Blues — Zekie Browning
(from White Label LP 8857)
CP-1957 Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#12)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent What Else Could You Do — Zekie Browning CP-1958  
Lucky (Ohio)  0006  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1959/Sept. 14
Bb c&w rev.
Watkins, BillLabel shot
Pertinent Missed The Workhouse — Bill Watkins
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55003)
CP-2135 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55003 (#15)
Bullet Club PR LP 006 (#10)
Bullet Flesh Den CD 6909 (#18)
Bullet Lucky CD 813 (#27)
Bullet Mustang CD [19?] (#31)
Bullet One Day Music CD 010 (#38)
Bullet Sleazy CD 03 (#18)
Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#1)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent Time Will Make You Pay — Bill Watkins CP-2136  
Lucky (Ohio)  0007  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1959/Sept. 14
Bb c&w rev.
Hubbard, RayLabel shot
Pertinent Look What I Found — Orangie Hubbard
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55003)
CP-2138 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55003 (#16)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55070 (#14)
Bullet Lee LP 409 (#9)
Bullet Rundell LP 006 (#9)
Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#2)
     Label shot
Pertinent Is She Sore — Orangie Hubbard
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55175)
CP-2137 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55175 (#15)
Bullet Collector CD 4417 (#15)
Bullet Lee LP 409 (#8)
Bullet Rundell LP 006 (#8)
Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#3)
Lucky (Ohio)  0009  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
mx series
Martin, Billy [2]Label shot
No rating If It's Lovin' That You Want — Billy Martin [3004]  
     Label shot
No rating Angel — Billy Martin [3003]  
Lucky (Ohio)  0011  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1960/Mar. 7
Bb c&w rev.
Browning, ZekieLabel shot
Pertinent Creepin' And Crawlin' — Zekie Browning And The Dynamics – (instr.)
(from 45)
CP-3001 Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#4)
     Label shot
Pertinent Spinning Wheel Rock — Zekie Browning And The Dynamics – (instr.)
(from White Label LP 8857)
CP-3002 Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#11)
Lucky (Ohio)  0012  [45]
(pressed by Rite)
1960/May 2
Bb c&w rev.
Thacker, RudyLabel shot
Pertinent Black Train — Rudy Thacker And The Stringbusters / Vocal By Larry Dale
(from 45)
CP-3292 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55080 (#17)
Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55152 (#25)
Bullet Folk Variety LP 12025 (#12)
Bullet Mustang CD [19?] (#2)
Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#10)
     Label shot
No rating The Dream — Rudy Thacker And The Stringbusters / Vocal By Larry Dale CP-3291 Bullet Folk Variety LP 12025 (#11)
Lucky (Ohio)  0013  [45]
(pressed by Kay Bank)
BMI clear.
Brady, PalfordLabel shot
Non-pertinent Love (Is Just That Way) — Pal Brady
(from White Label LP 8857)
KB-586 Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#7)
     Label shot
Non-pertinent When You're Gone — Pal Brady
(from White Label LP 8857)
KB-585 Bullet White Label LP 8857 (#15)

 Records 1-53 of 53

Acknowledgments:  CMF Library, Stephane Chatain, Scott Cheesebrew, Will Derrington, Udo Frank, Gerd Miller, Peter Mohr, Dean Craige Morris, Michel Proost, Mike Smyth, Bjorn Witlox

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/07/2025

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