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Title Search Results for DRINKIN

 Records 1-111 of 111

Title & Credits Image Artist Label & Number Date Matrix Comps
No rating Drinkin Wine — Gene Dlouhy And His Swingin' Canadians Label shot
Dlouhy, GeneBangar (Minn.) BA00630  [45]
(pressed by Kay Bank)
mx series
K 4467A  
Pertinent Drinkin' Moonshine — Don Lewis
(from 45)
Label shot
Lewis, DonKale (Ohio)  010  [45]1965
mx series
SoN 22221  
Borderline Drinkin' Pop-Sodee Odee (Pop Pop) — Donny Baker With The Dimensionals
(from 45)
Label shot
Baker, DonnyRainbow (N.Y.) 45-219  [45] 
Pertinent Drinkin' Scotch — Gene Simmons
(from Bear Family CD 16311)
Simmons, GeneSun (Tenn.)     [unissued]1956
(Sun Rec.)
  Bullet Bear Family CD 16311 (#5)
Bullet Bear Family CD 16758 (#20)
Bullet Charly CD 8352 (#4)
Bullet Fantastic Voyage CD 173 (#23)
Bullet Mid Century Music CD 6003 (#1)
Bullet Sun LP 1008 (#2)
Bullet Sun (England) LP 1019 (#4)
Pertinent Drinkin' Wine — Whitey Pullen
(from Bear Family CD 16838)
Pullen, Dwight[unissued]     [unissued] 
  Bullet Bear Family CD 16838 (#14)
Bullet Dial LP 003 (#9)
Bullet Esoldun LP 2006 (#9)
Bullet Hydra CD 27127 (#16)
Bullet Revival LP 3014 (#4)
Bullet Sage & Sand CD 930701 (#19)
No rating Drinkin' Wine — Gene Simmons Simmons, GeneSun (Tenn.)  299  [78]1958/June 9
Bb pop rev.
Pertinent Drinkin' Wine — Gene Simmons
(from Castle Pulse CD 344)
Label shot
Simmons, GeneSun (Tenn.)  299  [45]  Bootlegs exist1958/June 9
Bb pop rev.
U-214 Bullet AVI CD 5019 (#8)
Bullet Bear Family CD 16758 (#3)
Bullet Bellaphon LP 220 13 023 (#12)
Bullet Bellaphon LP 15101 (#12)
Bullet Cambra Sound LP 104 (#9)
Bullet Castle Pulse CD 344 (#32)
Bullet Charly CD 36 (#4)
Bullet Charly LP 30123 (#12)
Bullet Disky CD 03 (#55)
Bullet Disky CD 5202 (#55)
Bullet Disky CD 250542 (#40)
Bullet Hallmark CD 307972 (#13)
Bullet J!mco CD 89194 (#8)
Bullet Mid Century Music CD 6003 (#12)
Bullet One Day Music CD 141 (#10)
Bullet Rounder LP 37 (#3)
Bullet Rounder CD 37 (#3)
Bullet SSS LP 224 (#12)
Bullet Select CD 586 (#10)
Bullet Smith & Co. CD 1170 (#59)
Bullet Sun 10 801 (#10)
Bullet Sun LP 1008 (#7)
Bullet Sun (England) CD 14 (#21)
Bullet Sun (England) 10 506 (#7)
Bullet Sun (England) LP 6467 025 (#12)
Bullet [label?] CD 307972 (#13)
No rating Drinkin' Wine Spo Dee O Dee — Sonny Burgess Burgess, Sonny[unissued]     [unissued]1959
  Bullet Stomper Time CD 11 (#2)
Bullet Sunjay LP 561 (#11)
No rating Drinkin' Wine Spo Dee O Dee — Jerry Lee Lewis
(from Collector Series LP 143)
Lewis, Jerry LeeSun (Tenn.)     [unissued] 
No rating Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee — Mickey Gilley Gilley, Mickey[unissued]     [unissued]1966
  Bullet Astro LP 101 (#10)
No rating Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee — Glenn Reeves And His Rock-Billys Reeves, GlennAtco (N.Y.)  6080  [78]1956/Oct. 6
Bb c&w rev.
Pertinent Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee — Glenn Reeves And His Rock-Billys
(from 45)
Label shot
Reeves, GlennAtco (N.Y.) 45-6080  [45]1956/Oct. 6
Bb c&w rev.
A-2022 Bullet Bear Family CD 16721 (#21)
Bullet Chief CD 1156504 (#15)
Bullet Cruisin' LP 58344 (#8)
Bullet Encore CD 2098 (#7)
Bullet Out Of Time LP 8011 (#4)
No rating Drinkin' Wine Spodee-O-Dee — Malcolm Yelvington And Star Rhythm Boys Label shot
Yelvington, MalcolmSun (Tenn.)  211  [78]1955/Jan. 8
Bb c&w rev.
Pertinent Drinkin' Wine Spodee-O-Dee — Malcolm Yelvington And Star Rhythm Boys
(from Proper CD 103)
Label shot
Yelvington, MalcolmSun (Tenn.)  211  [45]  Bootlegs exist1955/Jan. 8
Bb c&w rev.
U-134 Bullet Charly CD 103 (#6)
Bullet Charly LP 30117 (#3)
Bullet Not Now Music CD 210 (#40)
Bullet One Day Music CD 141 (#38)
Bullet Pan American CD 56008 (#7)
Bullet Proper CD 103 (#69)
Bullet Proper CD 143 (#39)
Bullet Redita [1st series] LP 106 (#11)
Bullet Rev-Ola Bandstand CD 129 (#24)
Bullet Rhino CD 1211 (#26)
Bullet Rhino CD 71780 (#3)
Bullet Sun 10 805 (#2)
Bullet Sun (France) CD 103 (#6)
Bullet Vampirella CD 1020012-2 (#18)
Bullet Vampirella Music 10 20012 (#5)
No rating Drinkin' Wine Spoli Oli — The Five Strings Label shot
King, SidColumbia (N.Y.)  21403  [78]1955/July 2
Bb c&w rev.
CO 52961  
Pertinent Drinkin' Wine Spoli Oli — The Five Strings
(from Proper CD 103)
Label shot
King, SidColumbia (N.Y.) 4-21403  [45]1955/July 2
Bb c&w rev.
ZSP 34999 Bullet Bear Family LP 15048 (#3)
Bullet Bear Family CD 15535 (#5)
Bullet Fantastic Voyage CD 026 (#5)
Bullet Jimbo LP 1001 (#4)
Bullet Proper CD 103 (#83)
Borderline Drinkin' Wine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee — Wally Dean And His Flips
(from Buffalo Bop CD 55073)
Label shot
Deane, WallyArtic (Fla.) ZTSC-65221/2 [45]
(pressed by Columbia)
1960/Oct. 24
Bb pop rev.
ZTSC-65222 Bullet Buffalo Bop CD 55073 (#7)
Borderline Drinkin' Wine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee — Loy Gordon And His Pleasant Valley Boys Label shot
Gordon, LoyAtlantic (N.Y.)  721  [78]1949/Oct. 15
Bb c&w rev.
265 Bullet Collector CD 2867 (#2)
No rating Drinking Again — Sleepy LaBeef Label shot
LaBeff, TommyColumbia (N.Y.) 4-43709  [45]1966/July
(Bb est.)
JZSP 114571  
Non-pertinent Drinking And Driving — Grant Grieves Label shot
Grieves, GrantBig K (Mo.)  1003  [45]1972
mx series
No rating Drinking And Thinking Of You — Wade Holmes, The Singing Truck Driver Label shot
Holmes, WadeAlmanac (loc?)  809  [45] 
No rating Drinking Champagne — Cal Smith Label shot
Smith, CalKapp (N.Y.) K-938  [45]1968 or later
(Bb est.)
No rating Drinking Moonshine — Don Lewis Label shot
Lewis, DonClark (Tenn.)  CR-239 [45]1965
mx series
SoN 22221  
No rating Drinking Wine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Drinking Wine — Johnny Burnette And The Rock 'N Roll Trio (Johnny, Dorsey, And Paul) Burnette, JohnnyCoral (N.Y.) CRL57080  [LP]
Johnny Burnette & The Rock 'N' Roll Trio [mono]
Cover shot
MG 5033+  
No rating Drinking Wine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Drinking Wine — Johnny Burnette Burnette, JohnnyCoral (N.Y.)  61869  [78]1957/Sept. 2
Bb pop rev.
Pertinent Drinking Wine, Spo-Dee-O-Dee, Drinking Wine — Johnny Burnette
(from Bear Family CD 15474)
Label shot
Burnette, JohnnyCoral (N.Y.) 9-61869  [45]  Bootlegs exist1957/Sept. 2
Bb pop rev.
100,265+ Bullet Ace Of Hearts LP 120 (#12)
Bullet Bear Family CD 15474 (#11)
Bullet Bear Family CD 16992 (#5)
Bullet Bear Family CD 17584 (#8)
Bullet Beat Goes On CD 177 (#12)
Bullet Charly LP 3 (#9)
Bullet Collectables CD 2729 (#20)
Bullet Combo LP 57200 (#7)
Bullet Coral (England) LP 61 (#12)
Bullet Coral (U.S.) 10 57080 [10] (#12)
Bullet Coral (U.S.) LP 57080 [12] (#12)
Bullet El Toro CD 10010 (#12)
Bullet Intro CD 57080 (#12)
Bullet J!mco CD 89195 (#9)
Bullet MCA CD 30489 (#12)
Bullet MCA (France) LP 410 074 (#12)
Bullet MCA Coral (England) LP 8054 (#12)
Bullet MCA Coral (Germany) LP 201 531-241 (#12)
Bullet MFP LP 50466 (#12)
Bullet Not Now Music CD 066 (#30)
Bullet Not Now Music CD 375 (#31)
Bullet Official CD 12016 (#9)
Bullet Official LP 12016-2 (#9)
Bullet Pan American CD 56009 (#20)
Bullet Presto CD 6 (#2)
Bullet Solid Smoke LP 8001 (#10)
Bullet [label?] LP 560 072 (#13)

 Records 1-111 of 111

Compilation & presentation © 2023, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/17/2025

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