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Bop-A-Rama Bop-002 (LP) (England, 1998)

Big Noise From The Planet Bop, Vol. 2

Cover image
Source: Udo Frank

Artist Title Original Label & Number Date & Source
1. Bond, Johnny Pertinent Three Or Four Nights
Tally (Calif.)      
2. Adams, Billy Pertinent Rock, Pretty Mama [alt. vers.]
[unissued]     1957
3. Millikin, Curley Pertinent Rock And Roll Country Boy
Label shot
Talos (Ga.) 45-401  1959/June 22
Bb pop rev.
4. Boyer, Junior Pertinent Jenny Jenny Not listed in RCS
5. Arnold, Jerry Pertinent Three Months To Kill
Challenge (Calif.)      
6. Herrold, Dennis Pertinent You Arouse My Curiosity
7. Allers, Ron Borderline Heartless Woman
Label shot
Caron (Mich.)  8563/4
(pressed by Rite)
mx series
8. Trail, Buck Pertinent Knocked Out Joint On Mars
Label shot
Trail (Fla.) A-104  1958/Sept.
9. Slade, Prentis Borderline Scrapiron
Label shot
Hamilton (Calif.)  50020  1958/Dec.
on label or cover
10. Noland, Terry Pertinent Ten Little Women [alt. vers.] [unissued]     1957
11. King, Jimmy Pertinent Knockin' On Your Door
Label shot
Herald (N.Y.) H-535  1958/Nov. 10
Bb pop rev.
12. Gallon, Vic Pertinent I'm Gone
Label shot
Gondola (Mich.) 45-G1414   
13. Wheeler, Larry Pertinent Cry Woman Cry
Label shot
Glory (N.Y.) 45-279  1958/May 26
Bb pop rev.
14. Jenkins, Harold Pertinent Rockhouse
Sun (Tenn.)      
15. Perkins, Billy Pertinent Campus Cutie
Label shot
Alco (La.)  1003  1961/Feb.
BMI clear.
16. Tornados Borderline Riot – (instr.)
Label shot
Tornado (Kansas)  975 
(Starday PD series)
BMI clear.

Acknowledgments:  Bear Family catalog, Marc Coulavin, Udo Frank

Compilation & presentation © 2019, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/07/2025

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