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Buffalo Bop Bb-CD55175 (CD) (Germany, 2005)

Knock Out

Cover image
Source: T. Gordon

Artist Title Original Label & Number Date & Source
1. Carson, Chuck Pertinent Moonlight Rock
Label shot
Hep (Minn.) HEP2142 
(pressed by RCA)
1958/Sept. 27
CB c&w rev.
2. Neaville, Arlie Pertinent Boppin' Bug
[unissued]     1958-59
3. Martindale, Donnie Pertinent Go Jenny
Label shot
Quintet (N.C.)  101/2
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
4. Stanton, Bill Non-pertinent Rockin' With The Blues
Label shot
Marmaduke (Ill.) EP M-1000  Cover shot
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
5. Ramistella, Johnny Borderline Little Girl
Label shot
Suede (Miss.) SD1401 
(pressed by Southern)
BMI clear.
6. Pullen, Whitey Pertinent Tuscaloosa Lucy
Label shot
Sage (Calif.) 45-313  1960/Jan.
(Bb est.)
7. Moore, Mike Pertinent The Chick
Label shot
Cyclone (Texas)  503   
8. Graci, Charlie Pertinent Boogie Boogie Blues
Label shot
Cadillac (N.Y.)  141   
9. Stanton, Bill Non-pertinent Get Up, Get Out, And Go
Label shot
Marmaduke (Ill.) EP M-1000  Cover shot
(pressed by RCA)
RCA mx code
10. Miller, Arlie Pertinent You Tear Me Up
[unissued]     1958-59
11. Nepote, Joey Borderline Doctor, Doctor, Doctor
Label shot
Blue Ribbon (Calif.) HS-1001   
12. Smith, Leon Pertinent Honey Honey
Label shot
Willamette (Ore.)  105 
(pressed by Monarch)
13. Haydock, Ron Pertinent Rolling Danny [vers. 1]
Cha Cha (Ill.)     1960
14. Bluenotes Pertinent You're A Tiger
Label shot
Colonial (N.C.) CR-7779 
(pressed by RCA)
1958/July or later
(Bb est.)
15. Hubbard, Orangie Pertinent Is She Sore
Label shot
Lucky (Ohio)  0007 
(pressed by Rite)
1959/Sept. 14
Bb c&w rev.
16. Brooks, Clinton Non-pertinent Tom Duley Rock
Label shot
Apache (Fla.) AR-1828 
(pressed by RCA)
1960/Nov. 7
Bb ad or art.
17. Duncan, Tommy Borderline Daddy Loves Mommyo
Label shot
Fire (Calif.)  101  1956/Apr. 7
Bb pop rev.
18. Nolen, Bob Borderline Bucket Full Of Tears
Label shot
Faro (Calif.)  594 
(pressed by RCA)
1959/July 13
Bb pop rev.
19. Miller, Arlie Pertinent I've Heard
[unissued]     1958-59
20. Neaville, Arlie Pertinent Don't Just Stand There
[unissued]     1958-59
21. Wilson, Henry Pertinent Are You Ready
Label shot
Colonial (N.C.) CR-7778 
(pressed by RCA)
BMI clear.
22. Haydock, Ron Pertinent Knockout
Cha Cha (Ill.)     1961
23. Neutrons Pertinent Don't Be Cruel
Label shot
Ridge (Ill.) RR-1069   
24. Pullen, Whitey Pertinent Walk My Way Back Home
Label shot
Sage (Calif.) 45-274  1958/Oct. 20
Bb pop rev.
25. Mancuso, Joey Borderline Cool Cat Crawl
Label shot
Triple A (Ohio) TA:98/9  
26. Myers, Jim Pertinent Oh! Baby Baby
Label shot
Fortune (Mich.)  212  1960/Dec.
BMI clear.
27. Carl, Joe Borderline Rockin' Fever
Label shot
Rocko (La.)  519  1961/Feb.
BMI clear.
28. Kirk, Ellis Pertinent Sweetie Pie
Label shot
Fortune (Mich.)  208  1958-60
29. Pullen, Whitey Pertinent Let's All Go Wild Tonight
Label shot
Sage (Calif.) 45-294  1959/June 8
Bb c&w rev.
30. Smith, Leon Pertinent That's The Way
Label shot
Willamette (Ore.)  105 
(pressed by Monarch)

Acknowledgments:  Kurt Krauter

Compilation & presentation © 2019, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/07/2025

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