Artist |
Title |
Original Label & Number |
Date & Source |
1. Thunder Rocks |
Oh, My Linda

Sabre (Mich.) C-104 |
1962/Mar. mx series |
2. Lion, Johnny |
Haunted Heart

Coed (N.Y.) CO-514 (pressed by RCA) |
1959/July (Bb est.) |
3. Francis, Jim |

Gulfco (Texas) 401 |
1960/Mar. mx series |
4. Wilson, Curtis |
Wanted, Dead Or Alive

GB (loc?) 406 |
5. Rimfires |
Bandstand Step |
Not listed in RCS |
6. Sharpe, Buddy |
Bald Headed Baby

Fee Bee (Pa.) 230 |
1958/Nov. BMI clear. |
7. Bucky & The Premiers |

Nu Phi (Calif.) 367/8 |
8. Smith, Robert |
Traveling Sam

Camelia (Calif.) 45-100-34/5-CB |
1960/July copyright |
9. Fireflies |
Stella Got A Fella

Ribbon (N.Y.) 6901 |
1959/Sept. or earlier (Bb est.) |
10. Dropouts |
I'm Leaving

Acame (Ariz.) MM-1936 (pressed by Wakefield) |
1964 mx series |
11. Flippo, Lawrence |
Let's Do It

Van (Texas) V-00162 |
1962 rel. no. code |
12. Bryan, Jerry |
Walking Out

Gulf (Texas) G-62762/3 |
1960/Oct. BMI clear. |
13. Strickland, Bill |
The Shape You Left Me In

Fabar (Ohio) 15361/2 (pressed by Rite) |
1966/Apr. mx series |
14. Vice-Roys |
Don't Let Go

E'den (Ill.) #9001 (pressed by RCA) |
1962 RCA mx code |
15. Hanchey, Donald |

Mi-Ja (loc?) 1001 |
1964/July BMI clear. |
16. Rhythm Rockers [2] |
Bad News

Copper (Wisc.) C-1006 (pressed by RCA) |
1962 RCA mx code |