Artist |
Title |
Original Label & Number |
Date & Source |
1. Mitchell, Lee |
Rootie Tootie Baby

Sharp (Ala.) SR-0862 (pressed by RCA) |
1959/Nov. BMI clear. |
2. Williams, Roxie |
Fifteen Seconds

Lucky 11 (Mich.) 1112 |
3. Yarborough, Lafayette |
Cool Cool Baby

Bart (Mich.) 7 G25/6 (pressed by RCA) |
1958 RCA mx code |
4. Parson, Gene |
Night Club Rock And Roll

Southfield (Ill.) GP4501 (pressed by RCA) |
1959/Mar. 16 Bb c&w rev. |
5. Hardin, Wesley |

AFS (Fla.) 45-302 |
1957/Dec. 23 Bb c&w rev. |
6. Tiny Tim |
I've Gotta Find Someone

Teen's Choice (Ala.) TC-8 (pressed by Rite) |
1960/Oct. 17 Bb pop rev. |
7. Hooper, Jess |
All Messed Up

Meteor (Tenn.) 5025 |
1955/Dec. (Bb est.) |
8. Moore, Turner |
I'll Be Leavin' You

Mel-O-Tone (Texas) M-45-1500 |
9. Damron, Dickie |
Gonna Have A Party

Laurel (Canada) 45-792 (Starday PD series) |
1959/Sept. (SPD est.) |
10. Dorsam, Tom |
Baby Of Mine

Loren (Vt.) 45001 |
1964 on label or cover |
11. Adams, Billy |
Rock, Pretty Mama

Quincy (Ky.) 932 (pressed by Rite) |
1957/Nov. mx series |
12. Kitchen, Jack |
Hot Rod Boogie

Jack Kitchen (loc?) 12577 (pressed by Rite) |
1964 mx series |
13. Dazzlers |
Somethin' Baby

Lee (Va.) L-100 (pressed by RCA) |
1958/June 16 Bb pop rev. |
14. Roller, Lonesome Long John |
Long John's Flagpole Rock

Flagpole (Ariz.) 301 (pressed by Wakefield) |
15. Gravley, Junior |
You Lied To Me Honey

Vel-A-Tone (Ga.) 45-796 (Starday PD series) |
1959/Sept. 7 Bb pop rev. |
16. Green, Joyce |
Black Cadillac

Vaden (Ark.) 45-112 (pressed by King) |
1958-59 (est.) |
17. Saul, Hender |
I Ain't Gonna Rock-Tonite [!!]

Liberty (Va.) 45-104 |
18. Glenn, Glen |
Everybody's Movin'

Era (Calif.) 45-1061 |
1958/Mar. 3 Bb pop rev. |
19. Mitchell, Lee |
Who's That Big Man

Sharp (Ala.) SR-0862 (pressed by RCA) |
1959/Nov. BMI clear. |
20. Stephenson, N.A. |
Boogie Woogie Country Girl

Westwood (Tenn.) 201 (pressed by Rite) |
1959/Sept. 21 Bb pop rev. |
21. Crown, Bobby |
One Way Ticket

Felco (Texas) F-102 |
1959/May 11 Bb c&w rev. |
22. Brown, Walter |
Jelly Roll Rock

Zip (Texas) CP-4686 |
1958/Mar. 31 Bb pop rev. |
23. D'Amico, Guido |
Jimmy Boy

Quality (Canada) K1823 |
1959/Jan. (CHUM est.) |
24. Buchanan, Art |
Wiggle Walkin' Boogie

Illinois (Ill.) 45-725 (Starday PD series) |
1958/Sept. (SPD est.) |
25. Gaines, Eddie |
Be-Bop Battlin' Ball

Summit (Ky.) 45-101 (pressed by Rite) |
1958/Apr. 28 Bb c&w rev. |
26. Country G-J's |
Go Girl Go

Valley (Ill.) 250 |
1963/Aug. BMI clear. |
27. Wilson, Henry |
Are You Ready

Colonial (N.C.) CR-7778 (pressed by RCA) |
1958/May BMI clear. |
28. Covelle, Buddy |

Coral (N.Y.) 9-62181 |
1960/Mar. 21 Bb pop rev. |
29. Mikel, J. |
Bettyjean [!!] Rock

Sonic (Ill.) 45-SRC-1 (pressed by RCA) |
1958 RCA mx code |
30. Pike, Jim |
Shaken [!!] And A Shuddern [!!]

Jerome (Ill.) 7336  |
1959/May copyright |
31. James Boys |
Back Rub

Galliant (N.Y.) 1002 |
32. Pratt, Lynn |
They're Learning

Hornet (Tenn.) 1002 |
1959 or earlier (BMI est.) |